The holidays have many implications for your daily mobile use. Lines get busy, text messages get lost in cyberspace, and phone theft is on the rise. Panmedia offers some tips for using and handling your phone this holiday season.

Dropped Calls, silent missed calls, bad reception.
Make calls during off peak hours!  If a call must be made at a late hour, make an appointment with the other party so they can expect it. If a call is urgent and you can’t risk interruptions use a landline. 

Due to unusual traffic text messages are often backed up in queues. This means that your texts are often delivered late, if at all during the holidays.
Bear in mind the texting traffic. For the best outcome, send texts during off peak hours. Alternatively use BBM or other smartphone texting apps where possible.  Otherwise anticipate a delay. If the message is urgent, a voice call may be a better choice.

Phones are hard enough to keep track off without the added problem of thieves targeting phones during the Christmas season.
Phone Holsters – While convenient to keep your hands free, these can actually make theft of your device much easier. So avoid those without a clasp or a snap that covers the phone. Also, if you choose to wear a holster please keep it more to the front of your body instead of at the side where it is more vulnerable to thieves.
Hand Holding – Many people believe thieves are non-confrontational, however during the holidays some become more aggressive. If you are in a  high traffic area you are better off with your phone out of sight.
Holding your phone makes one prone to resting it on surfaces where it can easily be snatched. If you must hold your phone in your hand, get in the habit of placing it in your pocket instead of on a table or counter.
Tight pockets on the front of your clothing are best, as they are harder targets than rear pockets, and you are more likely to feel it if someone tries to pick you.
Queues While lining up to pay for groceries and gifts this season, be extra alert. In a line we are used to people standing behind us, so our security defences go down. Many thieves prey on your comfort level in the queue. Keep your phone close, and watch your pockets and purses.
Purse Digging – Keep your handbag organized so that you always put your phone in the same compartment. This will allow you to keep better track of your phone, and will also let you know clearly if it has gone missing.