Your overall online influence now has a name. It is called a Klout score, and it is the measurement of all your activity online, which are analyzed and a score awarded for your influence there. The Klout score ranges from 1 to 100.

Klout offers measurement for accounts on Twitter, Facebook profile, LinkedIn and Foursquare, and plans to soon include YouTube, Google+ and Facebook pages.

Getting your score is easy. Simply log on to using your Facebook or Twitter login and your score will be presented to you.

The Klout score gives you a score analysis, network influence, amplification probability and true reach.

Panmedia’s current Klout score, measured from the past 90 days, is 27! According to Klout, we engage with “a good mix of influencers and friends.” Our network influence score, which measures the influence level of our audience, is 37. Amplification probability measures the probability of our content being auctioned, e.g. re-tweets, likes and comments. And the true reach score tells the size of our engaged network, which is currently 435.

So what’s your Klout score? Find out and mention us in your tweet using @panmediajamaica or tag us in your Facebook post @Panmedia Limited.
