Why is my light bill so high, and does the government know, or even care??? They do, and they do. Jamaica’s National Energy Policy and the Electricity Act (Not updated in over 150 years) was updated by the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology. Unlike political promises, policies stand the test of elections and shifts in power.
Studies showed the public sector was one of the largest consumers of electricity. To lead by example, the government is reducing energy waste within its own ranks by retro fitting public sector buildings to make cooling more efficient. We can all agree that this is a positive example to the rest of the country.
To complement the retrofitting work by the PCJ’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation Project, Panmedia is helping EECP develop effective energy conservation workshops for representatives from public sector offices across the island.
To encourage even more conservation, the EECP will also launch an energy champion competition, with prizes for the entity that saves the most electricity over a stipulated period and individuals enacting energy conservation practices and sharing proof of these activities on social media.
No matter what’s going on with our neighbours up north, we know we need to use alternative & renewable energy to keep Jamaica nice.