Solar ManSolar ManHere comes Solar Man! No, he’s not a new super hero.  In fact, he is the new mascot for the [Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica]( "PCJ's website") in their effort to get the *“Energy Saving”* message out to the public. 

Like all mascots, Solar Man will have special appeal to the youngsters; but the character is designed to have broad appeal to everyone. The PCJ commissioned Panmedia to look at possible mascots to represent their conservation program about two months ago.  After developing at least 3 prototypes, it was decided that Solar Man best captured the spirit of innovation, and the idea of alternative energy sources that was key to the PCJ’s message. Solar Man has no special powers but he does know a lot about how to save on your energy bills.

Solar Man is the brainchild of Panmedia's animator Kamal Hines. Solar Man is expected to make his first public appearance in next few months. So watch out him.