It may be a vibrant one-pager or several interactive sections, but the power in its engine, comes from its tight focus. A smart microsite works wonders for your brand. Often called a mini site, a weblet or a landing page this product or event specific online presence is an increasingly popular tool.

Major brands use microsites to feature specific products for niche markets and is extremely useful for small businesses seeking cost-effective ways to drive leads.

It gives customers the sense that they have come to a site created specifically for them. It is easy-to-scan and provides an uncluttered path to information they need. Such customer satisfaction is sure to carry over to your brand.

A microsite may be an offshoot of a main site or a temporary, stand-alone presence So a bank might link from its main website to a Customer Relationship Management solution to respond to customer queries about it’s products and services. Or a wine and spirits company may use a microsite to launch a new product or promote a sponsored event. . The key feature of a microsite is that it is purpose specific and doesn’t hold the broader objectives of its parent website.

For the best returns on your microsite investment, remember these tips:

  • Have a clear idea who you are targeting.
  • Content must be about the customer, not the brand.  
  • Content must be rich, creative and regularly updated.

Below are some benefits to using a microsite for your promotional purpose:
Branding: A microsite helps brand a product or service in a way that is distinct from your corporate brand.
Clearer Message: It’s easier to focus your message when it is separated from the distractions of the parent site. Visitors see exactly what you want them to see without having to look for it.

Easy Setup: A microsite can be set up quickly, making them ideal for events with a short lifetime on the web such as seasonal promotions.

Attention Grabber
Many people look at your home page and then leave before digging in. With a microsite you get more opportunities to grab them with information and design that appeals to them.

Product Launches
A microsite is a great medium for new product/service launches as it gives that product or service a distinct identity.

Direct Mail Integration: You can leverage your email campaigns by adding a microsite to the mix.  A branded microsite can be created as a landing point for mail campaigns where you track performance that will give valuable insight into the campaign’s effectiveness.

SEO Benefits: A unique URL with relevant keywords, and a site that is highly focused around a particular product or service will likely perform better in the search engines.